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Fluke MDA-550 Series III Motor Drive Analyzer 4CH CLR PRO (Item No. 5282560)

SKU: 5282560

(Fluke Registration required before purchase. Please contact Laserman for more information on +61 8 9335 1718 )

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(Fluke Registration required before purchase. Please contact Laserman for more information on +61 8 9335 1718 )

Item No. 5282560

Model Number: FLUKE-MDA-550-III

Simplify complex motor-drive troubleshooting with guided test setups and automated drive measurements that provide reliable, repeatable test results.

Key features

  • Measure key motor drive parameters including DC Bus voltage level and AC ripple, voltage and current unbalance, voltage modulation, harmonics, and motor shaft voltage discharges
  • Provides guided measurements for motor-drive input, DC bus, drive output, motor input and shaft measurements with graphical step-by-step voltage and current connection diagrams.
  • Simplified measurement setup with preset measurement profiles to automatically trigger data collection based on the chosen test procedure.

The Fluke MDA 550 Motor-Drive Analyzer saves time and eliminates the hassle of setting up complex measurements, while simplifying motor-drive troubleshooting. Simply select a test and the step-by-step guided measurements show you where to make voltage and current connections, while the preset measurement profiles ensure you will capture all the data you need for each critical motor-drive section—from the input to the output, the DC bus, and the motor itself. From basic to advanced measurements, the MDA-550 has you covered, and with a built-in report generator you can quickly and easily generate as-found, and as-left reports with confidence.

The MDA-550 is the ideal portable motor-drive analysis test tool and can help safely locate and troubleshoot typical problems on inverter type motor-drive systems.

  • Measure key motor-drive parameters including voltage, current, DC Bus voltage level and AC ripple, voltage and current unbalance and harmonics, voltage modulation, and motor shaft voltage discharges.
  • Perform extended harmonics measurements to identify the effects of low and high order harmonics on your electrical power system.
  • Conduct guided measurements for motor-drive input, DC bus, drive output, motor input and shaft measurements with graphical step-by-step voltage and current connection diagrams.
  • Use simplified measurement setup with preset measurement profiles to automatically trigger data collection based on the chosen test procedure.
  • Create reports quickly and easily that are perfect for documenting troubleshooting and collaborative work with others.
  • Measure additional electrical parameters with full 500 MHz oscilloscope, meter and recording capability for complete range of electrical and electronic measurement on industrial systems.

The Fluke MDA-550 Motor Drive Analyzer uses guided test measurements to make analysis easier than ever

Drive input

Drive input

Measure input voltage and current to quickly see whether values are within acceptable limits by comparing the drive’s nominal rated voltage to the actual supplied voltage. Then, check the input current to determine if the current is within the maximum rating and the conductors are suitably sized. You can also check whether the harmonic distortion is within an acceptable level by visually inspecting the waveform shape or by viewing the harmonics spectrum screen which shows both the total harmonic distortion and individual harmonics.

Voltage and current unbalance

Check the voltage unbalance at the input terminals so you can ensure the phase unbalance is not too high (> 6-8 %), and that the phase rotation is correct. You can also check the current unbalance, as excessive unbalance may indicate a drive rectifier problem.

Extended harmonic measurements

Extended harmonic measurements

Excessive harmonics are not just a threat to your rotating machines but also to other equipment connected to the electrical power system. The MDA-550 provides the ability to discover the harmonics of the motor-drive but can also discover the possible effects of inverter switching electronics. The MDA-550 has three harmonic ranges, 1st to 51st Harmonics, 1 to 9 kHz and 9 kHz to 150 kHz giving the ability to detect any harmonic pollution problems.

DC bus

In a motor-drive the conversion of AC to DC inside the drive is critical, having the correct voltage and adequate smoothing with low ripple is required for the best drive performance. High ripple voltage may be an indicator of failed capacitors or incorrect sizing of the connected motor. The record function can be used to check DC bus performance dynamically in the operating mode while a load is applied.

Drive output

Drive output

Check the output of the drive focusing both on voltage to frequency ratio (V/F), and voltage modulation. When high V/F ratio measurements are experienced, the motor may overheat. With low V/F ratios, the connected motor may not be able to provide the required torque at the load to sufficiently run the intended process.

Voltage modulation

Voltage modulation

Measurements of the Pulse Width Modulated signal are used to check for high voltage peaks which can damage motor winding insulation. The rise time or steepness of impulses is indicated by the dV/dt reading (rate of voltage change over time), this should be compared to the motor’s specified insulation. The measurements can also be used to measure switching frequency to identify whether there is a potential issue with electronic switching, or with grounding, where the signal floats up and down.

Motor input

Ensuring that voltage is being supplied at the motor input terminals is key, and the selection of cabling from drive to the motor is critical. Incorrect cabling selection can result in both drive and motor damage due to excessive reflected voltage peaks. Checking that the current present at the terminals is within the motor rating is important as over current condition could cause the motor to run hot, decreasing the life of the stator insulation which can result in the early failure of the motor.

Motor shaft voltage

Motor shaft voltage

Voltage pulses from a variable speed drive can couple from a motor’s stator to its rotor, causing a voltage to appear on the rotor shaft. When this rotor shaft voltage exceeds the insulating capacity of the bearing grease, flashover currents (sparking) can occur, causing pitting and fluting of the motor bearing race, damage that can cause a motor to fail prematurely. The MDA-550 is supplied with carbon fiber brush probe tips that can easily detect the presence of destructive flashover currents, while the impulse amplitude and count of events will enable you to take action before failure occurs. The addition of this accessory allows you to discover potential damage without investing in expensive permanently installed solutions.

Step-by-step guided measurements ensure you have the data you need, when you need it

The MDA-550 is engineered to help you quickly and easily test and troubleshoot typical problems on three-phase and single-phase inverter type motor-drive systems. The on-screen information, and step-by-step setup guidance make it easy to configure the analyzer and get the drive measurements you need to make better maintenance decisions, fast. From power input to the installed motor, the MDA-550 provides the measurement capability for the fastest motor-drive troubleshooting.

Specifications: Fluke MDA-550 Series III Motor Drive Analyzer

Measurement and Analysis Combinations
Test point Sub group Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Reading 4
Motor drive input
Voltage and current
Phase-phase V-A-Hz V ac+dc A ac+dc Hz  
V peak V peak max V peak min V pk-to-pk Crest factor
A peak A peak max A peak min A pk-to-pk Crest factor
Phase-ground V-A-Hz V ac+dc A ac+dc Hz  
V peak V peak max V peak min V pk-to-pk Crest factor
A peak A peak max A peak min A pk-to-pk Crest factor
Voltage unbalance Unbalance V ac+dc V ac+dc V ac+dc Unbalance
Peak V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk  
Current unbalance Unbalance A ac+dc A ac+dc A ac+dc Unbalance
Peak A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk  
Motor drive DC bus
DC   V dc V pk-to-pk V peak max  
Ripple   V ac V pk-to-pk Hz  
Motor drive output
Voltage and current (filtered) V-A-Hz V PWM A ac+dc Hz V/Hz
V peak V peak max V peak min V pk-to-pk Crest factor
A peak A peak max A peak min A pk-to-pk Crest factor
Voltage unbalance Unbalance V PWM V PWM V PWM Unbalance
Peak V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk  
Current unbalance Unbalance A ac+dc A ac+dc A ac+dc Unbalance
Peak A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk  
Voltage modulation
Phase-phase Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk Hz V/Hz
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V  
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Phase-ground Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk V peak max V peak min
Zoom 2 V Peak max V peak min Delta V Hz
Zoom 3 peak V Peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Phase-DC + Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk V Peak max V peak min
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V Hz
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Phase-DC - Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk V peak max V peak min
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V Hz
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Motor input
Voltage and current (filtered) V-A-Hz V PWM A ac+dc Hz V/Hz
V peak V peak max V peak min V pk-to-pk Crest factor
A peak A peak max A peak min A pk-to-pk Crest factor
Voltage unbalance Unbalance V PWM V PWM V PWM Unbalance
Peak V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk  
Current unbalance Unbalance A ac+dc A ac+dc A ac+dc Unbalance
Peak A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk  
Voltage modulation
Phase-phase Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk Hz V/Hz
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V  
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Phase-ground Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk V peak max V peak min
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V Hz
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Motor shaft
Shaft voltage Events off V pk-to-pk      
Events on Delta V Rise/fall time Delta V/s Events/s
Motor drive input, output and motor input
Harmonics Voltage V ac V fundamental Hz fundamental % THD
Current A ac A fundamental Hz fundamental % THD/TDD


Measurement Function Specification
DC voltage (V dc)
Maximum voltage with 10:1 or 100:1 probe 1000 V
Maximum resolution with 10:1 or 100:1 probe (voltage to ground) 1mV / 10mV
Full scale reading 999 counts
Accuracy at 4 s to 10 us/div ± (1.5 % + 6 counts)
True-rms voltage (V ac or V ac + dc) (with DC coupling selected)
Maximum voltage with 10:1 or 100:1 probe (voltage to ground) 1000 V
Maximum resolution with 10:1 or 100:1 probe 1 mv / 10 mV
Full scale reading 999 counts
DC to 60 Hz ± (1.5 % + 10 counts)
60 Hz to 20 kHz ± (2.5 % + 15 counts)
20 kHz to 1 MHz ± (5 % + 20 counts)
1 MHz to 25 MHz ± (10 % + 20 counts)
PWM voltage (V pwm)
Purpose To measure on pulse width modulated signals, like motor drive inverter outputs
Principle Readings show the effective voltage based on the average value of samples over a whole number of periods of the fundamental frequency
Accuracy As Vac+dc for sinewave signals
Peak voltage (V peak)
Modes Max peak, min peak, or pk-to-pk
Maximum voltage with 10:1 or 100:1 probe (voltage to ground) 1000 V
Maximum resolution with 10:1 or 100:1 probe 10 mV
Max peak, min peak ± 0.2 division
Pk-to-pk ± 0.4 division
Full scale reading 800 counts
Current (AMP) with current clamp
Ranges Same as V ac, Vac+dc or V peak
Scale Factors 0.1 mV/A, 1 mV/A, 10 mV/A, 20 mV/A, 50mV/A, 100 mV/A, 200 mV/A, 400 mV/A
Accuracy Same as Vac, Vac+dc or V peak (add current clamp accuracy)
Frequency (Hz)
Range 1.000 Hz to 500 MHz
Full scale reading 9999 counts
Accuracy ± (0.5 % + 2 counts)
Voltage/Herz ratio (V/Hz)
Purpose To show the measured V PWM value (see V PWM) divided by the fundamental frequency on vari- able ac motor speed drives
Accuracy % Vrms + % Hz
Voltage unbalance drive input
Purpose To show the highest percentage difference of one of the phase vs average of the 3 true-rms voltages
Accuracy Indicative percentage based on Vac+dc values
Voltage unbalance drive output and motor input
Purpose To show the highest percentage difference of one of the phase vs average of the 3 PWM voltages
Accuracy Indicative percentage based on V PWM values
Current unbalance drive input
Purpose To show the highest percentage difference of one of the phase vs average of the 3 AC current values
Accuracy Indicative percentage based on Aac+dc values
Current unbalance drive output and motor input
Purpose To show the highest percentage difference of one of the phase vs average of the 3 AC current values
Accuracy Indicative percentage based on A ac values
Rise and fall time
Readings Voltage difference (dV), time difference (dt), voltage vs time difference (dV/dt), overshoot
Accuracy As oscilloscope accuracy
Harmonics and spectrum
Harmonics DC to 51st
Spectrum ranges 1…9 kHz, 9-150 kHz (20 MHz filter on), up to 500 MHz (voltage modulation)
Shaft voltage
Events / second Indicative percentage based on rise and fall time (Impulse discharges) measurements
Report data capture
Number of screens Typical 50 screens can be saved in reports (depends on compression ratio)
Transfer to PC Using 32 GB or smaller 2 GB USB stick or mini-USB to USB cable or WiFi link and FlukeView™ 2 for ScopeMeter®
Probe settings
Voltage Probe 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1000:1, 20:1, 200:1
Current Clamp 0.1 mV/A, 1 mV/A, 10 mV/A, 20 mV/A, 50 mV/A, 100 mV/A, 200 mV/A, 400 mV/A
Shaft Voltage Probe 1:1, 10:1, 100:1
General IEC 61010-1: Pollution Degree 2
Measurement Measurement IEC 61010-2-030: CAT IV 600 V / CAT III 1000 V
Maximum voltage between any Terminal and Earth Ground 1000 V
Max. input voltages Via VPS410-II or VPS421 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV
BNC Input A, B, C, D directly 300 V CAT IV
Max. Floating Voltage, test tool or test tool with VPS410-II / VPS421 voltage probe From any terminal to earth ground 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV Between any terminal 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV
Working voltage between probe tip and probe reference lead VPS410-II: 1000 V
VPS421: 2000 V
Shipping This Item Ships from Fremantle, Perth, Western Australia
Please allow 2 - 10 days for your order to arrive.

Although Most Stocked Products will generally Ship Overnight. We source products from all over the world to bring you epic offers and the lowest prices. This means sometimes you have to wait a little longer to get your order but it's always worth it!

Returns are easy.

simply contact us for a returns number and send your item to our returns centre for fast processing. We'll get you a replacement or refund in a snap!


(Fluke Registration required before purchase. Please contact Laserman for more information on +61 8 9335 1718 )

Item No. 5282560

Model Number: FLUKE-MDA-550-III

Simplify complex motor-drive troubleshooting with guided test setups and automated drive measurements that provide reliable, repeatable test results.

Key features

  • Measure key motor drive parameters including DC Bus voltage level and AC ripple, voltage and current unbalance, voltage modulation, harmonics, and motor shaft voltage discharges
  • Provides guided measurements for motor-drive input, DC bus, drive output, motor input and shaft measurements with graphical step-by-step voltage and current connection diagrams.
  • Simplified measurement setup with preset measurement profiles to automatically trigger data collection based on the chosen test procedure.

The Fluke MDA 550 Motor-Drive Analyzer saves time and eliminates the hassle of setting up complex measurements, while simplifying motor-drive troubleshooting. Simply select a test and the step-by-step guided measurements show you where to make voltage and current connections, while the preset measurement profiles ensure you will capture all the data you need for each critical motor-drive section—from the input to the output, the DC bus, and the motor itself. From basic to advanced measurements, the MDA-550 has you covered, and with a built-in report generator you can quickly and easily generate as-found, and as-left reports with confidence.

The MDA-550 is the ideal portable motor-drive analysis test tool and can help safely locate and troubleshoot typical problems on inverter type motor-drive systems.

  • Measure key motor-drive parameters including voltage, current, DC Bus voltage level and AC ripple, voltage and current unbalance and harmonics, voltage modulation, and motor shaft voltage discharges.
  • Perform extended harmonics measurements to identify the effects of low and high order harmonics on your electrical power system.
  • Conduct guided measurements for motor-drive input, DC bus, drive output, motor input and shaft measurements with graphical step-by-step voltage and current connection diagrams.
  • Use simplified measurement setup with preset measurement profiles to automatically trigger data collection based on the chosen test procedure.
  • Create reports quickly and easily that are perfect for documenting troubleshooting and collaborative work with others.
  • Measure additional electrical parameters with full 500 MHz oscilloscope, meter and recording capability for complete range of electrical and electronic measurement on industrial systems.

The Fluke MDA-550 Motor Drive Analyzer uses guided test measurements to make analysis easier than ever

Drive input

Drive input

Measure input voltage and current to quickly see whether values are within acceptable limits by comparing the drive’s nominal rated voltage to the actual supplied voltage. Then, check the input current to determine if the current is within the maximum rating and the conductors are suitably sized. You can also check whether the harmonic distortion is within an acceptable level by visually inspecting the waveform shape or by viewing the harmonics spectrum screen which shows both the total harmonic distortion and individual harmonics.

Voltage and current unbalance

Check the voltage unbalance at the input terminals so you can ensure the phase unbalance is not too high (> 6-8 %), and that the phase rotation is correct. You can also check the current unbalance, as excessive unbalance may indicate a drive rectifier problem.

Extended harmonic measurements

Extended harmonic measurements

Excessive harmonics are not just a threat to your rotating machines but also to other equipment connected to the electrical power system. The MDA-550 provides the ability to discover the harmonics of the motor-drive but can also discover the possible effects of inverter switching electronics. The MDA-550 has three harmonic ranges, 1st to 51st Harmonics, 1 to 9 kHz and 9 kHz to 150 kHz giving the ability to detect any harmonic pollution problems.

DC bus

In a motor-drive the conversion of AC to DC inside the drive is critical, having the correct voltage and adequate smoothing with low ripple is required for the best drive performance. High ripple voltage may be an indicator of failed capacitors or incorrect sizing of the connected motor. The record function can be used to check DC bus performance dynamically in the operating mode while a load is applied.

Drive output

Drive output

Check the output of the drive focusing both on voltage to frequency ratio (V/F), and voltage modulation. When high V/F ratio measurements are experienced, the motor may overheat. With low V/F ratios, the connected motor may not be able to provide the required torque at the load to sufficiently run the intended process.

Voltage modulation

Voltage modulation

Measurements of the Pulse Width Modulated signal are used to check for high voltage peaks which can damage motor winding insulation. The rise time or steepness of impulses is indicated by the dV/dt reading (rate of voltage change over time), this should be compared to the motor’s specified insulation. The measurements can also be used to measure switching frequency to identify whether there is a potential issue with electronic switching, or with grounding, where the signal floats up and down.

Motor input

Ensuring that voltage is being supplied at the motor input terminals is key, and the selection of cabling from drive to the motor is critical. Incorrect cabling selection can result in both drive and motor damage due to excessive reflected voltage peaks. Checking that the current present at the terminals is within the motor rating is important as over current condition could cause the motor to run hot, decreasing the life of the stator insulation which can result in the early failure of the motor.

Motor shaft voltage

Motor shaft voltage

Voltage pulses from a variable speed drive can couple from a motor’s stator to its rotor, causing a voltage to appear on the rotor shaft. When this rotor shaft voltage exceeds the insulating capacity of the bearing grease, flashover currents (sparking) can occur, causing pitting and fluting of the motor bearing race, damage that can cause a motor to fail prematurely. The MDA-550 is supplied with carbon fiber brush probe tips that can easily detect the presence of destructive flashover currents, while the impulse amplitude and count of events will enable you to take action before failure occurs. The addition of this accessory allows you to discover potential damage without investing in expensive permanently installed solutions.

Step-by-step guided measurements ensure you have the data you need, when you need it

The MDA-550 is engineered to help you quickly and easily test and troubleshoot typical problems on three-phase and single-phase inverter type motor-drive systems. The on-screen information, and step-by-step setup guidance make it easy to configure the analyzer and get the drive measurements you need to make better maintenance decisions, fast. From power input to the installed motor, the MDA-550 provides the measurement capability for the fastest motor-drive troubleshooting.

Specifications: Fluke MDA-550 Series III Motor Drive Analyzer

Measurement and Analysis Combinations
Test point Sub group Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Reading 4
Motor drive input
Voltage and current
Phase-phase V-A-Hz V ac+dc A ac+dc Hz  
V peak V peak max V peak min V pk-to-pk Crest factor
A peak A peak max A peak min A pk-to-pk Crest factor
Phase-ground V-A-Hz V ac+dc A ac+dc Hz  
V peak V peak max V peak min V pk-to-pk Crest factor
A peak A peak max A peak min A pk-to-pk Crest factor
Voltage unbalance Unbalance V ac+dc V ac+dc V ac+dc Unbalance
Peak V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk  
Current unbalance Unbalance A ac+dc A ac+dc A ac+dc Unbalance
Peak A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk  
Motor drive DC bus
DC   V dc V pk-to-pk V peak max  
Ripple   V ac V pk-to-pk Hz  
Motor drive output
Voltage and current (filtered) V-A-Hz V PWM A ac+dc Hz V/Hz
V peak V peak max V peak min V pk-to-pk Crest factor
A peak A peak max A peak min A pk-to-pk Crest factor
Voltage unbalance Unbalance V PWM V PWM V PWM Unbalance
Peak V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk  
Current unbalance Unbalance A ac+dc A ac+dc A ac+dc Unbalance
Peak A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk  
Voltage modulation
Phase-phase Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk Hz V/Hz
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V  
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Phase-ground Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk V peak max V peak min
Zoom 2 V Peak max V peak min Delta V Hz
Zoom 3 peak V Peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Phase-DC + Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk V Peak max V peak min
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V Hz
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Phase-DC - Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk V peak max V peak min
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V Hz
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Motor input
Voltage and current (filtered) V-A-Hz V PWM A ac+dc Hz V/Hz
V peak V peak max V peak min V pk-to-pk Crest factor
A peak A peak max A peak min A pk-to-pk Crest factor
Voltage unbalance Unbalance V PWM V PWM V PWM Unbalance
Peak V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk V pk-to-pk  
Current unbalance Unbalance A ac+dc A ac+dc A ac+dc Unbalance
Peak A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk A pk-to-pk  
Voltage modulation
Phase-phase Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk Hz V/Hz
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V  
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Phase-ground Zoom 1 V PWM V pk-to-pk V peak max V peak min
Zoom 2 V peak max V peak min Delta V Hz
Zoom 3 peak V peak max Delta V/s Risetime peak Overshoot
Zoom 3 level Delta V Delta V/s Risetime level Overshoot
Motor shaft
Shaft voltage Events off V pk-to-pk      
Events on Delta V Rise/fall time Delta V/s Events/s
Motor drive input, output and motor input
Harmonics Voltage V ac V fundamental Hz fundamental % THD
Current A ac A fundamental Hz fundamental % THD/TDD


Measurement Function Specification
DC voltage (V dc)
Maximum voltage with 10:1 or 100:1 probe 1000 V
Maximum resolution with 10:1 or 100:1 probe (voltage to ground) 1mV / 10mV
Full scale reading 999 counts
Accuracy at 4 s to 10 us/div ± (1.5 % + 6 counts)
True-rms voltage (V ac or V ac + dc) (with DC coupling selected)
Maximum voltage with 10:1 or 100:1 probe (voltage to ground) 1000 V
Maximum resolution with 10:1 or 100:1 probe 1 mv / 10 mV
Full scale reading 999 counts
DC to 60 Hz ± (1.5 % + 10 counts)
60 Hz to 20 kHz ± (2.5 % + 15 counts)
20 kHz to 1 MHz ± (5 % + 20 counts)
1 MHz to 25 MHz ± (10 % + 20 counts)
PWM voltage (V pwm)
Purpose To measure on pulse width modulated signals, like motor drive inverter outputs
Principle Readings show the effective voltage based on the average value of samples over a whole number of periods of the fundamental frequency
Accuracy As Vac+dc for sinewave signals
Peak voltage (V peak)
Modes Max peak, min peak, or pk-to-pk
Maximum voltage with 10:1 or 100:1 probe (voltage to ground) 1000 V
Maximum resolution with 10:1 or 100:1 probe 10 mV
Max peak, min peak ± 0.2 division
Pk-to-pk ± 0.4 division
Full scale reading 800 counts
Current (AMP) with current clamp
Ranges Same as V ac, Vac+dc or V peak
Scale Factors 0.1 mV/A, 1 mV/A, 10 mV/A, 20 mV/A, 50mV/A, 100 mV/A, 200 mV/A, 400 mV/A
Accuracy Same as Vac, Vac+dc or V peak (add current clamp accuracy)
Frequency (Hz)
Range 1.000 Hz to 500 MHz
Full scale reading 9999 counts
Accuracy ± (0.5 % + 2 counts)
Voltage/Herz ratio (V/Hz)
Purpose To show the measured V PWM value (see V PWM) divided by the fundamental frequency on vari- able ac motor speed drives
Accuracy % Vrms + % Hz
Voltage unbalance drive input
Purpose To show the highest percentage difference of one of the phase vs average of the 3 true-rms voltages
Accuracy Indicative percentage based on Vac+dc values
Voltage unbalance drive output and motor input
Purpose To show the highest percentage difference of one of the phase vs average of the 3 PWM voltages
Accuracy Indicative percentage based on V PWM values
Current unbalance drive input
Purpose To show the highest percentage difference of one of the phase vs average of the 3 AC current values
Accuracy Indicative percentage based on Aac+dc values
Current unbalance drive output and motor input
Purpose To show the highest percentage difference of one of the phase vs average of the 3 AC current values
Accuracy Indicative percentage based on A ac values
Rise and fall time
Readings Voltage difference (dV), time difference (dt), voltage vs time difference (dV/dt), overshoot
Accuracy As oscilloscope accuracy
Harmonics and spectrum
Harmonics DC to 51st
Spectrum ranges 1…9 kHz, 9-150 kHz (20 MHz filter on), up to 500 MHz (voltage modulation)
Shaft voltage
Events / second Indicative percentage based on rise and fall time (Impulse discharges) measurements
Report data capture
Number of screens Typical 50 screens can be saved in reports (depends on compression ratio)
Transfer to PC Using 32 GB or smaller 2 GB USB stick or mini-USB to USB cable or WiFi link and FlukeView™ 2 for ScopeMeter®
Probe settings
Voltage Probe 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1000:1, 20:1, 200:1
Current Clamp 0.1 mV/A, 1 mV/A, 10 mV/A, 20 mV/A, 50 mV/A, 100 mV/A, 200 mV/A, 400 mV/A
Shaft Voltage Probe 1:1, 10:1, 100:1
General IEC 61010-1: Pollution Degree 2
Measurement Measurement IEC 61010-2-030: CAT IV 600 V / CAT III 1000 V
Maximum voltage between any Terminal and Earth Ground 1000 V
Max. input voltages Via VPS410-II or VPS421 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV
BNC Input A, B, C, D directly 300 V CAT IV
Max. Floating Voltage, test tool or test tool with VPS410-II / VPS421 voltage probe From any terminal to earth ground 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV Between any terminal 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV
Working voltage between probe tip and probe reference lead VPS410-II: 1000 V
VPS421: 2000 V


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Although Most Stocked Products will generally Ship Overnight. We source products from all over the world to bring you epic offers and the lowest prices. This means sometimes you have to wait a little longer to get your order but it's always worth it!

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    Returns are Easy

    Simply contact us for a returns number and send your item to our returns centre for fast processing. We'll get you a replacement or refund in a snap!
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    Best Price Guarantee

    In the unlikely event that you find your item cheaper at another online store, just let us know and we'll beat the competitor's pricing hands-down.
  • Image of We insist that you love everything you buy from us. If you're unhappy for any reason whatsoever, just let us know and we'll bend over backwards to make things right again.

    We guarantee your satisfaction

    We insist that you love everything you buy from us. If you're unhappy for any reason whatsoever, just let us know and we'll bend over backwards to make things right again.
  • Image of Ordering from Laserman Technologies is 100% safe and secure so you can rest easy. Your personal details are never shared, sold or rented to anyone either.

    100% Safe & Secure

    Ordering from Laserman Technologies is 100% safe and secure so you can rest easy. Your personal details are never shared, sold or rented to anyone either.
  • Image of Laserman the Best Laser Level, Pipe Laser and Laser Measuring Warranties in the Business - Now thats unbeatable value !!.

    Best Laser Warranties in the Business

    Laserman the Best Laser Level, Pipe Laser and Laser Measuring Warranties in the Business - Now thats unbeatable value !!.
Fluke MDA-550 Series III Motor Drive Analyzer 4CH CLR PRO (Item No. 5282560)

Fluke MDA-550 Series III Motor Drive Analyzer 4CH CLR PRO (Item No. 5282560)

Fluke MDA-550 Series III Motor Drive Analyzer 4CH CLR PRO (Item No. 5282560)

Fluke MDA-550 Series III Motor Drive Analyzer 4CH CLR PRO (Item No. 5282560)


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